The most beautiful and loving thing anyone has said to me (other than the actual phrase, "I love you,") is this:
"You are your purpose."
It was said to me at a time in my life that I was feeling truly lost. I felt like I didn't know who I was or why I was even alive. When my former friend who I was very close with told me this, it felt as though a major remembering had begun, at a soul level.
Today I was listening to "What Was I Made For?" by Billie Eilish and feeling a little lost in my life's direction. It took me a few hours to remember these words, but when I did, they hit me even harder than the day I first heard them.
To me, this means that I am here to learn about myself. I am here to fully discover who I am and express myself authentically. In the words of another friend, we're here to, "learn, grow, and play." (I have such wise friends!) I feel that the learning is mostly about ourselves, growing into even more beautiful versions of ourselves, and experiencing fun along the way.
Of course there will be hard times, but like the meaning behind The Tower tarot card, each adversity comes with a lesson that is often about ourselves. Whether it be who we want to allow into our lives, who we want to be, or some other lesson, that is how our struggles transform us.
It sounds like a simple purpose, and maybe even selfish to some, but each of us is here to be ourselves. As we are ourselves, we teach others to shine their lights, whether merely through our own presence, or direct teaching and conversation. We are all important pieces of the divine puzzle.
When my former friend said this to me, I began to allow myself to just breathe and be. I began to realize it is okay to take up space. It is okay to not know everything right in this moment.
Today as I reflect on her words, I remember that it is truly okay to love myself--even if I have not yet accomplished all that I want to. I often forget the "having fun along the way" part of life. "You are your purpose" reminds me that if I'm not having some kind of fun or glimpse of happiness, I need to realign myself. As I continue to step into the dreams in my heart, I want these words to be forever etched in my brain.
"YOU are your purpose."
-Felicia 💖