Welcome to the collective reading for week 8/12/24-8/19/24! ✨🪽
Deck featured: Fairy Wisdom Oracle by Nancy Brown and Amy Brown

Card 1: Devotion
Devoting oneself to others, whether through romantic relationships or being of service, is on our minds at the beginning of this week. It may be a cliche, but to fully love someone else, you need to love yourself first. Stand firm and grounded in who you are and the love that you feel for your own soul and body. That will help to manifest others into your life who recognize your beauty and who value you.
We may fear we are not good enough for a truly loving and healing relationship, whether romantic or otherwise. Reflect on those fears and begin taking steps to conquer the fears, whether through expressive art, journaling, singing, or simply being through meditation.
Diana Ross's lyrics are coming to my mind, "You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
She said trust, give it time
No matter how long it takes
You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
It's a game of give and take..."
Love will come when it's meant to. Keep doing the work.

Card 2: Winter
It is okay to rest. Stop. Sit down. Take a nap and when you awake refreshed, reflect on how you truly feel inside.
This week is about your inner workings. Yes, change is ready to happen, but it is waiting for you to be ready for it to happen. The preparation is just as important as the change itself. Enjoy just being with yourself in divine rest, knowing what is meant for you will happen when you are ready for it.
Wrap yourself in a cocoon of self-love so that you may emerge well-rested and ready to take on the next exciting challenge that is happening to bring you bliss.

Card 3: Moon Secrets
The full moon is coming up on the 19th. Secrets of the heart will be revealed to those doing their shadow work.
This card is really driving home the importance of what was also said in the previous two cards: things will happen for you when you are ready. As one cycle of change and self-reflection comes to an end, another begins. With this week's upcoming full Moon, think of how the many cycles of the Universe affect you, and how you can utilize those cycles for your highest good. You may even start with manifesting what you have figure out that you truly desire on the night of the full Moon, beginning the cycle of bringing that energy to into your life.
Rest up this week!
-Felicia 💖