This is a post about love and beliefs.
Some argue that America is a Christian nation, and use that argument to suppress other beliefs systems. Historical articles have the details on that argument. Yes, many of the founding fathers were Christians, but some weren't. Also, their intentions (as documentation also shows) were to have religious freedom, which has allowed America to grow into the beautifully diverse place it is today. And even if it was founded as a Christian nation, why can't we radically accept that views have changed over time? That is the nature of humanity: to grow and change.
While I do "love me some Jesus," I'm tired of having to say that, as if it means that I'm "lost" if I don't. I love those who are Christian and I love those who aren't. It doesn't matter to me who you're following or not following, as long as you aren't hurting yourself or others.
One thing that always stuck with me from CCD as I grew up Catholic is that "Jesus loves everyone." I remember learning this as a child and how much I loved Jesus for that, because I believed and still believe we should all be like that: we should all love each other. This doesn't mean we tolerate bullying or disrespect, but when we correct behaviors or disconnect from those who have hurt us, we do so out of love.
There was a day in the playground after I first learned that "Jesus loves everyone" that I was on the swings and telling my friends I love everyone too, just like Jesus. I was bullied for saying that, by fellow Catholic children. It deeply upset me, but I knew in my heart that I meant what I said. I still mean it.
I am no less of an American, or human, for not being Christian. I am no less of an American, or human, for following the core of what Jesus himself believed. I am forever confused as to why people are so cruel to each other. I'm proud of myself and love myself for that confusion because it means I don't treat others that way.
So let's stop using our beliefs, Christian or not, as the reason we hurt each other. Let's stop hurting each other period. We will make mistakes and we can communicate about being hurt so that we can continue to learn and grow. I love you. I love me. 💖