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Sample Tarot Reading

Here is a quick example of one tarot reading with me. 💫 This reading was for myself. ☺️

🌟 I called in my guides, asking for their protection and guidance. I shuffled and drew three cards for a message for me for today. 1. I have new creative opportunities that are here in front of me. 2. I am holding onto someone's words and the hurt they caused. Time to release that pain. 3. Time to stop focusing on any negative and walk away from what has hurt me.

🌟 I then asked how I can focus more on the positive. 1. Balance work and family time. 2. Shift my mental perspective. 3. Go internal and let go of control in order to move forward.

🌟 My final question was for the Sacred Self-Care Oracle deck. I asked for a self-care activity that can help me maintain positivity and incorporate all of this into my life. I have been thinking a lot about creating art, so this card is perfect. 💖

🌟 I closed by thanking my guides for their loving guidance and protection.

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